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Renovated and newly calibrated MT10 tympanometer. Occasionally, we have these older devices for sale. When a device is for sale, there will be a purchase button below.
Each box contains 6 suction cup electrodes for ECG.
Missing 2 internal shelves (See picture) - Equipment not included.
Track your workout sessions with steps, distance, time, calories, and fat amount
DEMO model. Defective (loose) battery cover, otherwise brand new and intact. Medically approved Class III baby scale with sling.
Visual acuity chart (CE marked and approved) for testing at 6 m. LogMAR size. Missing a measurement unit on the right side.
Small bag with strap. Measurements: Height approx. 20 cm. Width approx. 12 cm.
Dry heat sterilizer - for sterilization of instruments. Without any errors.
Brand new Littmann stethoscope with original box etc. Misengraved that has been removed but still slightly "cloudy" on the head (see photo).
USED: Almost new professional Gynecologist chair from a gynecological clinic that has closed. The lying surface is 100% intact. It comes with hand and foot controls with pre-programmed positions and a "panic button" (Trendelenburg). Price includes delivery - save DKK 1000.- by picking up in Odense yourself.
Used Dry Heat Sterilizer - for sterilizing instruments. NOTE: only for metal instrument boxes. - Not for foil bags.
Incorrect shipment of new item, which has been returned.- In the return shipment, there is a minor insignificant scratch on the faux leather on one corner. -Request more pictures of this.
Emergency bag used for demo. Looks like new, with only minimal superficial signs of use.
USED: Blood roller - blood mixer with speed and time adjustment capability. NOTE - has a slight high-frequency noise when the motor is running.
Approved baby and toddler scale | ADE M101000-01Electronic baby and toddler scale for clinic and hospital use.
5-part black physiotherapy bed, electric height adjustment. Intact lying surface without holes. Functioning. SAVE kr. 750 by picking up in Odense yourself.
Brand new - only used for demonstration. 100% okay, with regular warranty. Can be delivered immediately.
Used TANITA body fat scale of professional quality. Including guide and carrying case. Model SC 330. (including printer). The scale is used with 100% functioning. 3 months warranty.
Are you looking for used equipment for your clinic or do you have equipment or fixtures that you want to sell you can do via us.
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